Courtney Leak, LCSW is personable and empathetic, ensuring that your audience is able to connect and gain something from the presentation.
As a reliable empowerment speaker and motivation for hundreds, Courtney delivers information and content that will not only inspire your audience but also convinces your audience to think beyond the surface level; she speaks to the whole person.
When booking Courtney Leak, you are booking an exceptional speaker for your audience.
Catch Courtney in Action
During her TEDx segment, Courtney captivates the audience by encouraging them to consider if they are standing up for what they believe in a healthy and productive way and if are they brave enough to have real conversations that create change or simply hide behind superficial advocacy. She also takes time to empower the audience to unplug and care for themselves when they need to without guilt.
Download Courtney Leak’s media kit
When booking Courtney Leak, you are booking an exceptional speaker for your audience.
What People Are Saying
“I met Courtney at a fellowship week for poets of color. I was at a place where my trauma was so loudly trapped in my body, I was wrecked with somatic pain. Reaching out to Courtney was my Hail Mary. She caught me and held space for me in the way I needed..”
— Haven Wellness Warrior
“Since working with Courtney, I’ve made decisions and took actions that were over 10 years delayed. I confronted childhood traumas, and no longer am haunted in my daily life by those people/situations. I’ve learned my window of tolerance and how to return to it. I am developing a healthy relationship with boundaries. The fog in my brain is clearing and I can see in all directions to make decisions and speak from my wise adult mind. Courtney did that…. and continues to do so.
— Mental Health Maven